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When we attempt to rank a website within a major search engine, be it Google, Yahoo, MSN or any other, there are a number of search engine optimization techniques that we can use in order to ensure that our website gets the best ranking it possibly can.
One of these techniques is known as increasing inbound links which works due to offpage optimization. Of course there are a variety of other techniques that are important as well, such as the age of a site, its page rank, and various other forms of optimization.
One of the greatest things that many search engine optimization sites won't tell you is that the age of an external backlink is incredibly important. You see, a lot of sites out there may link to you for a short period of time, however if the link, for whatever reason, ends up being removed, then any benefit it passed to the target site will also be removed.
Now the longer a link stays linking to another site, the greater trust there will be between the other site and that link. Eventually the trust will get to a higher level until finally the full weight of the link is passed on to the other site. This is a valuable technique of passing page rank and keyword authority and is one of the best forms of search engine optimization.
A common misconception today is that an excessive amount of links is somehow a great thing. This may have once upon a time have been the case, however today Google views such an inordinate number of links as being more spammy than anything, and therefore will be less likely to give the same weight to these non related links as it used to. It is not uncommon to see the search engines such as Google place a site into what's commonly referred to as the sandbox as a sort of 'cooling off' phase that many new sites must go to, in order to determine their worth.
So at the end of the day, it is possible to have your site ranking highly within the SERPs through Search Engine Optimization techniques, however you must abide by Google's policies, do as they say, and make a good quality site that will attract natural links to it in order to obtain any form of long term presence within the search engine results page.
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Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com